The Mahoran Woman


The Hut

 The Mahoran Boy

 The Mahoran Young Girl

As a young girl, she is slim, elegant, coquette yet discreet; she is canonized the Mahoran typical woman after marriage: she is thus simply beautiful. Un-Veiled Mahoran Young Girl Veiled or un-veiled girl. Pareo girl. MP3 girl. She remains eternal with her "mtsizano"-that sort of face pack, with protective virtues, with which she paints her face -, wonderful with her sophisticated hennaed patterns, richly coloured, adorning admirably her hands and her feet... She is magnificent in the Miss France beauty pageants, aspires to please more, ... to simply exist perhaps.That's Life

As a married woman, she is most of the time the owner of the family house and of its dependences and, for this reason, she governs family home according to a natural matriarchal system which ensures her protection and security, strengthens her position and influence in the local political life.

The Mahoran Woman
People less well-informed might tell you that, as she grows older, she has chubby cheeks, big flabby breasts, potbelly and a big bottom. Perhaps. But it depends on who is looking at her ... She then reaches the apex of her beauty. She is then the Mahoran man's Naomi Campbell. She guarantees the continuity and stability of home. As a citizen, she is at the center of the Mahoran political life.Yet, that prerogative offers some very relative freedom to her faced with a husband who is legally superior to her according to the Muslim civil law. But, from now on, new civil laws combined with the coming change of the status of the island and the end of polygamy and repudiation can but increase her position in society.

Progressive by nature, she is today open to the Occidental culture - to any, as a matter of fact - helped in that by a moderate Islam practice in the island, true open-mindedness and great impetus to the outside world.

As the first pillar of the family, she has to manage, modernity oblige (our great grand-mothers have had very little access to studies), both her professional and family life. A challenge that she willingly takes up despite the weight of traditions.

Copyright @2009
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