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The process of turning Mayotte into a Department (ndlr : "departmentalization"), undertaken in 2009 via a referendum and intended to become effective in March 2011, enters into its final stage. The French Senate and National Assembly have endorsed the final change of the status of the island. While waiting for March 2011

"The Parliament clarifies the departmentalization of Mayotte in March 2011

The bill relating to the department of Mayotte has been adopted without amendment at the first reading by the National Assembly yesterday afternoon [Tuesday, November 23, 2010]. That legislative phase therefore confirms the integration of the present departmental community of Mayotte into the bosom of the common law French Departments. Mayotte will become a department in March 2011. She will then be the 101st French Department.

Yesterday afternoon Mayotte got a little closer to the status of a French Overseas Department. A status called for by the island for over 30 years (ndlr : self-determination referendum of 1976). Yesterday the Deputies easily confirmed the main clauses validated by the Senators a few days earlier.

The main provision of the Organic Law adopted yesterday is in Article 2, which repeals the status of Mayotte under Article 74 of the Constitution in favour of a transformation of the island into a unique community, thereby tilting in Article 73 of the same Constitution. A transition that will take place after the next renewal of the General Council of the island in March 2011

On a more legal level, Article 1 of the Organic Law will permit the adaptation to Mayotte of the organic provisions relative to local referendum, the financial autonomy of the local authorities and the capacitations of the overseas departments and regions to intervene in the field of law or regulation. In a word, an integration into the whole provisions already enjoyed by the other French departments.

No departmentalization without the joys of … dock dues

That future departmentalization will also see the application to Mayotte of the local authorities’ general code, a real roadmap for a local authority, and in the same way as for the other 100 French Departments.

Since the rejoycing of the departmentalization cannot go without any negative point, The Mahorans will henceforth have to get accustomed to the application of dock due, no earlier than January 1, 2014, as specified by Article 10 of the ordinary law newly passed.

The Minister for Overseas Territories will clarify the outlines of the transition on the spot as soon as this weekend.
As a reminder, 95% of the population had voted in favor of the statutory evolution of their island on March 29, 2009, through a referendum that has turned into a plebiscite. In the process, a first organic law had been passed on August 3, 2009 to provide for the establishment of the Department of Mayotte in March 2011.

On a trip in the island of perfumes next Saturday and Sunday, Marie-Luce Penchard [Secretary of State for Overseas] will have the opportunity to review the institutional calendar with elected officials and the population of Mayotte. "This vote is an important step but (...) it is not an end", she immediately said yesterday after the parliamentary vote. "

Src Ludovic Grondin
Translated by 2010

Copyright @2010
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