Jewellery as sacred in Mayotte

The Hut

The Mahoran Boy

 The Mahoran Girl

In Mayotte, implicit jewellery wrought with the oriental expertise, inspired by local motives (huts, tortoises, ylang-ylang flowers, coconut and bambu, ...), emblematic of the island (dolphins, makis) takes part indisputably in the aura of the great traditional festivities such as marriage. Rings, necklaces, pendants, earrings, ..., they all participate in the ritual of feminine beauty and of the nuptial finery.
Venus at Her Apex

As a symbol of power, of beauty and purity, gold jewels have always seduced and conquered women's heart (and some men's as well ...).

But why so much passion for gold?
Because it does not oxidize, does not tarnish with the passing time, because it is eternal - and who would not dream of eternal, stainless love? Because it is light and radiates heat like the sun, because it is energy, ... . Because it is rare and thus precious like true love.

to our engagement

Jewels and marriage, beauty and festivities, jewellery is always a women's affair. Marriage ceremonies remain the great occasions when everybody can exhibit their jewels.

Beyond marriage, the jewels worn by women have an evident affective function. To offer one to your beloved is like offering a bit of yourself to her, revealing to her the way you look at her, see her. It is a little of your self that she carries with her everyday.

The Island Gem
In Mayotte, during marriage ceremonies, the bridal procession sees two or three women wear upon their heads the jewels and costume of the bride. The bride's jewel bearers, dressed in their loveliest festive costumes and launched into dances and songs given rhythm by their "m'biou", rival each other too in beauty, ... but more reasonably .... in order not to be in the bride's light, the real star of the day.

Copyright @2007
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