The Barge as the Mahoran Subway

The Market

The Mahoran Man

The Mahoran Woman


The Hut

 The Mahoran Boy

 The Mahoran Girl

The Mahoran Ferry - The "Barge"

The so-called "Barge" is a double-decker ferryboat of medium size that links a two-kilometre arm of the sea separating the main land (Grande-Terre) from the islet of Pamandzi (Petite-Terre). It is a true institution in Mayotte. Every Mahoran has already "barged" (ie : travelled by ferry), according to the local accepted expression, at least once in his life. The sea shuttle is recurrent and daily : every 30 mn, except on Sundays or holidays when there is an hour wait. As an unchanging ritual, the boarding is regulated and timed : the cars first, the mopeds, then the passengers and finally the goods (goats, hens, vegetables, fruits, and even furnitures, ...). The crosssing lasts about 20 mn. If the crossing from Petite-Terre to Grande-Terre is free, the crossing from the opposite direction is charged : about 0.75 € a head and about 29.00 € per vehicle.The Barge

The barge allows those improbable encounters between people who hardly or not at all know each other, or who have lost touch with each other for a longtime. The Parisian accepted expression "Métro, Boulot, Dodo" ("Metro, Office, Bed") is easily transferable to Mayotte for some who use daily that means of transport to go to work in Grande-Terre : "Barge, Boulot, Dodo". The barge is to a Mahoran what the Metro is to a Parisian.

A spot full of life and conviviality where relationships are struck up and [un]struck up, a spot for encounters and idle gossip, for talking of everyday life, of politics, family and love(s), the barge is in itself a roving microcosm reflecting the Mahoran spirit. 20 mn of communion during which mingle indifferently people of all social classes, occasional travellors, workers, tourists and other individuals more or less identifiable.

The barge serves as an interlink between the outside world and the main island (Grande-Terre) : a tourist alighting from a plane in Pamandzi Airport (in Petite-Terre) and whose destination is Grande-Terre must pay tribute to the holy barge before persuing his leisure.

But far from complaining, he can, weather permitting, admire the fabulous shows offered by some submarine species of the beautiful lagoon.

The barge pays its share to the island by allowing taxis and commerce in either side to live honestly of the fruits of their work.

Copyright @2007
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