The 101st Department

Mayotte island moves officially from the special status of Departmental Collectivity to that of the 101st French department on March 31st, 2011. She thus becomes the 5th French Overseas Department (FOD). This new status does not grant her, however, at least not right now, all the "rights and duties" of a metropolitan department. Indeed, in order not to destabilize the island economically and socially, the effective status transformation will be done progressively and in an adapted way.

What will change all in all?

What will change ... How? When? Consequences
About the election of the Regional Councillors It will now take place every 6 years From 2014 The number of Councillors is increased to 23 .

(ie, French Minimum Wage Growth)

85 % of the Metropolitan minimum wage growth   It will not be changed. The status quo is maintained
The Council Tax , the Property Tax , ... They first require an assessment of rental values of homes , The establishment of home addresses and the completion of civil status From 2014 These compulsory levies will be used to fund public services not taken in charge by the government ( roads, schools, RSA , ...). The council tax also feeds the municipal budgets , the Department's and the Region's.
The "Minima Sociaux"
(ie, the minimum social benefits)
They will have to wait to align the system of the metropolitan France and of the other FODs. In " 20 to 25 years" But some, such as the RSA, will become effective from 2012
(ie, French Active Solidarity Income)

The RSA will come into force in M ayotte at a quarter of its metropolitan value

In 2012  
(ie, Allowance for Elderly Solidarity)
The ASPA is part of the minimum social benefits . It will benefit from a boost … From 2011 A first increase will occur in 2011 and a 2nd in 2012
(ie, French Allowance for Disabled Adults)
The Allowance for Adults with Disabilities, just like the ASPA , will be upgraded … From 2011 Similarly, a first increase in 2011 and a 2nd in 2012

to be continued next page ...

Copyright @2011 (151011)
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