The Market

The Mahoran Man

The Mahoran Woman


The Hut

 The Mahoran Young Boy

 The Mahoran Young Girl

A Market Stall

As soon as you get out of the barge, you are welcomed by a universe of senses and colours, spicy-smelling and warm. No doubt you are in the Mamoudzou Market where local goods from the four corners of the island are displayed. Everything can be found there : typical local products such as spices (pepper, cinamon, cloves, cardamom, capsicum, ginger or roots of saffron), varieties of fruits (orange, passion fruit, litchi, soursop, guava, papay, banana, mango, pineapple, green lemon, ), vegetables (manioc, yams, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, chilli or pimento, capsicum, green mango or lemon relish in recycled plastic bottles, sweet potatoes) and ready-made food like "mataba", cooked embrevade, dried fish.There are also some imported products from Europe and Madagascar such as toys, lambas(- traditionnel Malagasy costumes), small sculptures and basketwork. There too lays out textile : mosquito net, embroidered sheets, various clothes ... and other plastics, ... all of them sold in a convivial atmosphere : "Gégé" and "Kissagé" are the sezame to start haggling over, to be understood as: "Hello", "How much?".

The Major Market Town
A spot of life and encounter where mingle people from all the horizons : Malagasies, inhabitants of Reunion island, Somali and even Asians.

The "bazari" (The market is commonly named so locally) always breathes an inimitable air of exotism - sugared, peppered, tentalizing, loaded with jasmine and ylang-ylang, with cloves and pimentos. An air that certainly won't leave you cold.

Copyright @2007
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