The Flora in Mayotte

The Market

The Mahoran Man

The Mahoran Woman


The Hut

 The Mahoran Young Boy

 The Mahoran Young Girl

The Flora

The flora is essentially characterized by a variety of tropical plants more or less sweet-smelling : ylang-ylang, vanilla, cinamon, clove and nutmeg trees. The plains are essentially draped in a coat of coconut palms and leafy breadfruit trees of different sizes; the bays are covered with a different variety of mangroves which serve as true fortresses against bad weather and the pollution effects on the lagoon and the coral reef.

The volcanic nature of the island offers too an unforgettable sight : warm-coloured fertile soil more or less clayey upon which rised coconut, mango, pawpaw and banana trees, ... with promissing annual crops of coconuts, mangos, papayas, bunches of bananas, maize, manioc, sugar canes, ambrevades, ananas, eggplants and other yams, guavas, litchis, pimentos or peppers locally very appreciated. Some more or less abandoned now or being imported : cocoa, coffee, tea, ...

Baobabs are to be found around the south of Mayotte. With their 10 metres high, they are true mastodons, yet weak, for a slight burst of wind can bring them down.

Copyright @2009
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