

" A muslim husband can, at any time he wishes, repudiate his wife without any motive, without warning or compensation. But it is not without risks, as the story of a big notable proves it : he had at that time 2 wives - maybe more, no one can tell - thanks to his relations in the administration, he succeeded in having the telephone installed at his first wive's house; but the youngest who payed particular attention to the balance of marital services, led him a hell of life to get the prestigious apparatus installed in her straw hut as well.

Our notable became annoyed, irritated, nervous; in a fit of anger, he pronounced against this demanding wife the three "twalak", the repudiation formula which, when said three times in front of a witness becomes irreversible. Alas, he was therefore forced to divorce, although he was still in love with that impudent young girl.

Or, according to a disposition of the Muslim jurisprudence, you cannot marry again your ex-wife except if, in the meantime, she got married to someone else. So our notable asked a reliable friend of his to marry his ex-wife for form's sake; thanks to a new divorce and everything would be all right for him. Alas, the reliable friend appreciated too much the situation, which should have been transitory, and which was not."

src: Jean FASQUEL, "Mayotte, les Comores et la France".

Translated by on April 2009