Geography- Bio - Touring Guide

Biographical Synopsis (Bio.)

Bantu Descent

Originally, Mayotte is probably inhabited by Bantus in the course of the first millenium of our era.

The Arabic-Persian Colonization

In the 12th century, a first wave of Persian colonizations begin (Chirazian Travellers). The latter return to settle in the island for good in the 15th century. They rapidely integrate into the black natives and quickly succeed in taking control of them. They then use their dominant positision to substitute the natives'animist practices by their religion - Islam; but also to impose their political system based on the sultanate.

Later, new Indonisian and Arabic immigrations and imported African menpower come to complete the extraordinary Mahoran melting pot.

The Portuguese

In the 16th century, the first Portuguese navigators use the island as a place of call.

The Malagasies

In the 18th century, the Malagasies (ie, the inhabitants of Madagascar island) invade Mayotte and put her to fire and sword.


In 1841, the Madagascan sultana, Andrian Souli, decides to barter Mayotte to the French Commandant Passot - who is in mission in the vicinity - against an annual allowance in louis d'or.

In 1843, Louis-Phillipe confirms that decision.

In the meantime, the English contend with the French for the region.

But in 1890, France succeeds in permanently exercising her authority over the island.

In 1976, it is the Mahorans themselves (that is, the inhabitants of Mayotte) who, with a 99% pro-vote, say they are in favour of continuing to keep the island under the authority of France.

April 2004, the island is an overseas "Departmental Collectivity", a status half-way between Overseas Territory and Overseas Department.

On 29th March 2009, a referendum is held in Mayotte concerning the question of giving the status of department to the island. The Mahorans vote massively yes (95%). But it is only in 2011 that the island will become the 101 st French department and the 5th French overseas department.

Up to now, The European Union (EU) has recognized Mayotte as a French territory but with the status of Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) and not as an Ultraperipheric Region (UPC). That is the reason why, unlike the other French Overseas Departments (FODs), Mayotte does not appear on the
Euro banknotes.

But, in the long run, if Mayotte becomes a French Department, she will also gain the status of an ultraperipherical region.

March 31, 2011, Mayotte has become officially a French Overseas Department (FOD), the 101st French department and the 5th FOD after the French Guiana, Martinique, Guadeloupe and Reunion Island. To celebrate this new status, a ten-euro coin bearing the effigy of Mayotte was created.
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