

The ylang-ylang provides a voluptuous perfume with anti-stress, balsamic, powerful and sweet virtues, reminding of blooming woods'. That subtle perfume soothes anxiety and brings a sensuous floral atmosphere of relaxation.

Its essential oil is very much used in the perfumeries to give a note of elegance to many compositions but also to reinforce the floral warmth of fragrances. The Ylang-Ylang, the flower of flowers, is endowed with the power of relaxing tensions as well as engendering a euphoric form of carelessness inviting to caresses and sensual pleasures.

Its sugary and voluptuous perfume will charm you into reveries of faraway exotic lands.

Its aroma will bring joy and sensuality to you. As a powerful aphrodisiac, that flower is stimulating and revitalizing. Its efficient cooling effect on nerves and excitability is well-known : after a strenious day, abandon yourself to a bath sprinkled with a few drops of ylang-ylang oil and enjoy yourself ...

The ylang-ylang is said to have curative effects on the hair and the skin : in the Pacific Rim, the women apply over their hair ylang-ylang oil mixed with coconut oil. This gives lustre to their hair and reinforce the capillary fibre.

In Madagascar, they make bars of soap of great quality with pure coconut oil on which they stick dried flowers of ylang-ylang.