The ciguatera

The substantive "ciguatera" is used to describe the polymorphous clinical syndrome resulting from intoxication and the biomarine phenomenon which originates it.

The fishes conveyers of the ciguatera are carriers of the toxins acquired out of their food and produced by benthic reef microorganisms, including the dinoflagelled Gambierdiscus toxicus, considered to be the main initial link in the ciguaterigenic food chain.

Nothing apparently permits to identify a suspicious fish. Indeed it keeps its aspects and smell unchanged. The thermic treatment (cooking or freezing) are ineffective on their toxicity.

Known since several centuries, that form of ichtyosarcotoxism, specific to the tropical regions because of its impact on the local population health, remains significant and represents several thousands cases a year in the overseas departments and territories.

src ARESUB /Translated by LEMS